Geotechnical Specialist Laboratory Testing Services

GTC specializes in using research-level techniques and equipment, including data logging and computer-controlled testing.
Tests include:
Triaxial stress path testing.
Resonant Column testing.
Cyclic Triaxial with local strain measurement.
Constant Head Permeability tests in the Triaxial cell.
All the tests can be performed using extra equipment, as necessary:
Local strain measurement.
Mid-plane pore water measurement.
Bender Element testing in three directions, Sv, Shh& Shv.
High pressure control systems.
In addition, GTC also carry out selected conventional scope of geotechnical tests including:
Unconfined compression tests.
Consolidated Undrained/Drained Triaxial Compression/Extension tests with pore water pressure/volume change measurement using single stage or multistage techniques.
Automated Consolidation (Oedometer) tests.
254mm diameter Rowe Cell Consolidation or Swelling tests.